Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Baltimore Oriole

Baltimore Orioles are attracted to oranges. This female is enjoying a fresh slice of orange which is fastened to the tree.

A single flower

Isn't spring an incredible time of the year? We are still awed at the variety of plants and flowers that are showing up in our yard! Flickingers, who owned this house before us certainly spent a lot of time with the yard and flower beds. We greatly appreciate all the beauty and variety they left us with when they moved. This beautiful flower is the bloom of a hosta that comes up every year by our driveway.

Hummingbirds at our feeder

Our hummingbird feeder usually has a pretty constant stream of visitors through the day. Some prefer to hover and others sit down and eat a leisurely meal. If you have a hummingbird feeder be sure to change the nectar in it often. If not changed often, bacteria can form which may be fatal to hummers.