Monday, June 19, 2006

A Different Visitor Today

Our neighbor Vern yelled over to me this noon and said bring the camera. When I got down part way to the road this animal was in the middle of our yard. I tried to get pictures then but it did not want to stand still. It ran across the road to the neighbor there but could not get a picture and my camera battery went dead. It did come back across to our place and started up towards the house but did not make it then. Not long after it was up by the tree in the front of our house eating sunflower seeds I had put out for the birds and squirrels. I tried to get good pictures then and Nila gave me a slice of bread to give to him so I threw it out towards to him and then backed off and he came closer and ate it. I had some bird feed containing corn, peanuts, and sunflower seeds so put some out by the tree and he loved that. I thought he would like a drink of water so got Brandy’s food dish and filled it letting him see and hear it running in to it. He did not come for it so I put it close to the tree and put the corn etc around it and he was scared of it. He got about a foot from it and jumped back. Finally I put the seed right close to it and he finally got the nerve to see what it was and ended drinking a couple inches of it. He completely cleaned up all the seeds and I went in the house and I looked out a while later he was gone. Vern said it went across the road again. Sorry for the long story, but that was our excitement for the day. Being from the farm brought memories of feeding the pigs. LOL

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